September 4, 2020

John Mosbaugh
2 min readApr 27, 2022


Does anyone know what this place is? I stumbled on it last night. They have fireworks every 5 minutes, Will Roger’s photos and an amazing outside..

Sharma Hendel
oooh I wanna go there!

John Mosbaugh
let’s meet up tonight. I’ll send you a friend request.

Nondas Voll
John Mosbaugh What universe is that in?

Sharma Hendel
John Mosbaugh yas please!

John Mosbaugh
Nondas Voll AltVR. mac install
AltspaceVR on Mac

Nondas Voll
John Mosbaugh I’ve been trying it in VR but maybe I’ll try the Mac version

John Mosbaugh
Nondas Voll It was working pretty well. I probably had to restart it about 5x. Anytime I touched anything Bluetooth it crashed.

Caroline Miller
I found that last night as well!! I think it was on the 10 o’clock side… but who knows!

John Mosbaugh
I agree, 10 oClock. I’ll go try and find it again tonight.

Rebecca Throne
Half way down the promenade to the man, on your right. Big glowing cube thing. You have to fly to get into it.

Muse Williams
Playa Alchemist it looks like

John Mosbaugh
Yas! Thanks Muse.

Adriana Roberts
Muse Williams it’s not PlayAlchemist

Nelda Barchers
Send me one too

John Mosbaugh
Nelda Barchers hey nelda just like in RL if you go Jenny might go lol

Paul Schreer
That’s the inside of a DMT molecule, of course.

Marsha Elizabeth
No Mac I have and wish I could go see this magic!

Nelda Barchers
Ok. Just lazy s d not sure what to do

Josh Keppel
That was one of the first places I saw there. An awesome Mom from Germany (60s-70s?) whose daughter goes to BM took my there last Tuesday morning and it was one of the first experiences where I was like, “Holy crap, this is awesome! I’m hanging out with someone from across the globe checking out cool art!!”

Adriana Roberts
It’s called Cosmic Inflation… don’t fall off the edge!

Maria Loli Partridge
Steve Tietze !! They liked it!

